Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Term 4!! Off and racing in Room 2 - weeks 1 and 2

WOW!!! Term 4 already!!  This year is just flying by!!

This term we have athletics and our Year 8 graduation to prepare for.  We have started athletics practices three times a week in preparation for our Athletics Day in Week 4.

We have also started our Graduation Social Dancing practices.  It's awesome to see the students learning the etiquette and dance steps.  :)

Home learning has begun again for the term - it gets emailed to the students on Tuesday night, and is due back in by the following Tuesday.  Paper copies are always available from my desk on Wednesday's for students who prefer to have a paper copy :)

This term we have Calf Club at school Friday week 2, and then AMP Group Day in week 5.  We have finished some awesome collage art for the AMP Group Day :)

Our amazing Calendar art has been sent home for PTA school fundraising.  Orders are due in by Friday 28 October 2016 - and they make awesome Christmas presents, especially if you need to post them :)  

Here are some photos from Calf Club from week 2, CONGRATULATIONS to Summa, Hayley and Claudia who were selected to show they calves at the Districts in week 3 :)  Room 2 was extra lucky on Calf Club day!  Not only did we get to walk round, watch, and meet the Calf Club participants, we were very lucky to have Kaleial's lopped ear pet bunny Autumn come join us in class for the day - thanks Kaleial and family, she's gorgeous!!

Calf Club at Stanley Ave 2016 on PhotoPeach

We have been busy working on our displays for our alien name bugs - watch this blog for our completed artwork and poems!! :) Here we are researching and designing our pastel alien non-conforming backgrounds... we have to use only one colour, but any shade.  Then we have descriptive Haiku poems to publish and display on our backgrounds with our alien name bugs... They are going to look really awesome!!! :)

And finally.... this term's inquiry focus is Science, and Ms Trow is very excited to try out some fun mini-experiments each week... Week 2 we carried out 'colour symphony' experiments with milk, food colouring and dishwash.  Even though some of the students had participated in this experiment before, they all had great input and participation in this one.  We compared full fat milk and trim milk, water, and different degrees of dishwash...

This post's joke is from Ben....

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?
It gets toad away :)

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