Saturday, 21 October 2017

Thursday, first week of Term 4 saw everyone throughout the school coming with their hair looking great and their uniform looking neat and tidy. Why? because it was photo day. Room 2 got their normal photos done and then were very happy with the fun one taken at the end. We can't wait for our class photo to come back, as we are sure it will be great. In the mean time here is our humorous one.

Welcome to term 4. We have a lot of action packed fun stuff happening this term
  • Social/ Graduation- the year 7&8 are getting ready for their first practice next week.
  • Tennis Tournament- this term Mrs Rendell is gathering a bunch of kid to play off for the tournament trophy.
  • Squash- every Thursday some students head to the squash courts and learn skills to help them in their tournament.
  • Athletics- on Wednesday,Thursday, Friday we practice long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, and sprints/relay.
  • Space Inquiry- this term room 1 2 3 are looking at space we are learning how we get day and night ad will look at our own area of interest.
  • School Photos- yesterday we had school photo  and had sibling photos too. Can’t wait to see how they turned out.
  • Te rapa pools- at the end of each year we go to Te Rapa pools which is in hamilton. It’s a great way to finish the year off.
  • Dentist- the dentist has made a visit to Stanley Ave, some people hate them and some like them. But it’s great that all the students smiles will be brightened.
  • Live stock day- good luck to every one with calves and lambs at Livestock day.
We are all looking forward to the exciting events this term… not long now until the year 8’s are off to College.

Written by Aleecha