Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Week 5 Winter Olympics Food Day...


This Thursday we will have AMERICAN HOTDOGS and DRINKS for sale to raise money for the Winter Olympics Team :)

Awesome American Hotdogs for $2.50 each, and delicious Drinks for $1.00 each...

If you wish to order some, please order before Wednesday :)  

Please support the team!! :)

Wednesday, 25 May 2016



This Thursday we will have pies and drinks for sale to raise money for the Winter Olympics Team :)

Super yummy pies for $2.50 each, and delicious drinks for $1.00 each...

Please support the team!! :)

Friday, 13 May 2016

Term 2, Week 2, 3 and 4 in Room 2

Week 3 and 4:

We have started thinking and planning our "My Time" research now, with the first block to start on Wednesday of Week 4.  From then on it will be on Thursday afternoons and will be an exciting time for all, with a presentation of our learning experiences at the end of term :)

Our spelling programme is running well - students have 10 words each week to work on (this is part of their home learning which started Week 3...) Our spelling tests will be every Friday morning, with master testing to move up a level if they feel they know all the 40 words on that level :)

We are investigating in groups different parts of Matariki for our Inquiry unit at the moment - these will be presented and on display when we hold our school hangi in June :)

Week 3s joke of the week (from the class home learning) is from Kalim:

My grandfather had a heart of a lion and a life time ban from the New York city zoo.

We are starting the weekly Lunch Day fundraising for the Winter Olympics team on Thursday (week 4).  This week it will be delicious pies for $2.50 each and drinks for $1.00 each.  Please support the team :)

Week 4s joke of the week is from Summa:

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Howl who?
How do I get in if you don't open the door!! :)

We had our Monster Book Fair in week 4 - we raised a lot of money from the sales - thanks for all your support!  What an awesome Book Fair!!! :)  Here we are on the Friday in our Monster dressups:

Week 2:

Last week the Winter Olympic team was announced and fundraising has started with students selling chocolate (yummy, but Ms Trow has eaten too much already!!!).  More upcoming fundraising includes school lunches on Thursdays - we'll keep you updated when these will start and the super-yummy menu items for purchase :)

This week we moved our Inquiry "Time" focus onto the celebration and background of Matariki.  This will be occurring later in May/June.  We will be doing a class research project on Matariki looking at the role it plays with the moon on harvesting, planting and hunting and its effects on the land, the animals, the sea, and our lives.  This will then lead us onto our individual projects where we will be making things which we will be presenting to.  Our research and discussions so far have been really exciting and interesting :)

This term we will be starting our My Time projects too.  We will be looking at starting these in Week 3, and the students are excited to be moving onto these.

Home Learning will start again in Week 3, we've been restarting the spelling program so spelling will be part of the home learning tasks.  The students know their words this week, they can be reviewing those over the weekend ready for testing next week :)

This term our maths focus is Geometry and we have been lucky to have Mr Bruce Moody in class on Monday going over perimeter and shape with us.  It was great to have Mr Moody with us and we had a great time learning with him.  We look forward to working with him more.  This week we focussed on shape and perimeter, next week we will be looking at maps, location and direction.

Wednesday we held our second senior syndicate singing assembly and Room 3 shared some of their findings from their "no bell" social experiment observations.

A very exciting time in Room 2 this week, with more fun on the way for Week 3 :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Welcome to Term 2 in Room 2 :)

Welcome to Term 2 in Room 2 :)  I hope you all had a fantastic and relaxing holiday :)

This term we are looking at Identity and Culture in our Inquiry - we will be focussing on Time and concepts of Time including Matariki, ending with our own research projects on a part of Time that interests us... This will be a fun and exciting unit.

This term the Senior Syndicate will have weekly singing assemblies in Room 2 on Wednesday afternoons.  We will practice lots of songs and share any news for the syndicate.

The School Winter Olympic Team will be named shortly and will start training for the exciting camp.

This term our school house names are changing.  This is a very exciting and historic event, linking our house names to the local geological features and making them more connected to our lives.  Aroha will become Te Aroha representing the local mountain and will stay red.  Tui will become Mohena representing the local geyser and will stay blue.  Wairongomai will become Waihou representing the local river and will stay green. Kaimai will become Hauraki representing the local land and will stay yellow.  House Captains are working hard with Mr Spicer to create new house flags, cheers, and mottos.  The colours will also be incorporated into the school logo.

Have an awesome start to the Term everyone :)